“Have no fear of mov­ing in­to the un­known. Simply step out fear­less­ly, know­ing that I am with you, there­fore no harm can be­fall you; all is very very well. Do this in com­plete faith and con­fi­dence.” - Pope John Paul II

Monday, November 5, 2012

Let me paint you a picture...

Of my beloved "barrio" or neighborhood. 

La Ensenada is nestled between the hills that separate it from the Pacific Ocean. At the top of the middle hill, there is a white little cross that was constructed by a former community of Heart's Home and a little old lady, Abuela Victoria. The houses are often tiny. Many are one or two room homes but are inhabited by families, large and small. Most have the ground or cement as their floors. Laundry is still washed by hands in most homes, and pantries don't exist, the shopping is done daily and depends on each day's lunch and dinner. There is no such thing as a yard and greenery is scarce. Besides all of this, La Ensenada is my Promised Land. 

The time I spent there was most valuable and precious. Despite the lack of paradisaical landscape, it was a beautiful place. What made it beautiful? The people. So welcoming, generous, loving. They seem to know no boundaries when it comes to loving their neighbor. You ask for a cup of sugar, they give you the whole bag just because you'll need it eventually. They are always willing to tell you the best home remedy when you are a little under the weather.  They seem to spend more time smiling and laughing than complaining and being pessimistic. In front of the most difficult circumstances, they are more valiant and hold their head high and don't lose faith in God above. 

I miss my brown hills and seeing those smiling Peruvian faces day after day, but they continue to be in my heart and that is where they will stay until I see them and feel their warm embrace again someday.

Something Beautiful

Yesterday, one of the most beautiful things, post-mission, took place. It was quite simple, really. I woke up and went to Mass at 8. I was hoping to either run into my grandpa or two of the people that sponsored me, Marv and Bette. Entering the church, I did not see my grandpa so I looked to where Marv and Bette are normally sitting and, sure enough, I found them! I went up to their pew, and surprised them both with a hug.

We sat together during Mass and afterwards, they invited me (and my mom) to breakfast, but first they needed to take communion to a sick man and asked if I would go along. WOULD I EVER?!? I was so excited to be there to witness Mr. Ryan receive communion and to see the friendship between Marv, Bette, and Mr. Ryan.

You might be asking why it was so beautiful to me. For me, it was the first example outside of a Heart's Home where I saw God's love radiate in its simplicity. To go along on this visit and simply talk to Mr. Ryan and to see the way that Marv and Bette interacted with him reminded me so much of a "typical day" in Peru. It showed me that, despite being told over and over by various Heart's Homes priests, sisters, lay consecrated, it is possible, and seemingly quite easy, to live this charism in my every day life. It was a simple, and very necessary, reinforcement.

Have a blessed Monday all!