“Have no fear of mov­ing in­to the un­known. Simply step out fear­less­ly, know­ing that I am with you, there­fore no harm can be­fall you; all is very very well. Do this in com­plete faith and con­fi­dence.” - Pope John Paul II

Saturday, January 29, 2011


It's official! I have a day that I am off to Peru for the next GINORMOUS step in my life. I depart August 3. No worries though, I'm leaving with a bang (do you honestly expect anything else from me?). August 1 I plan on heading down to Tulsa from IA (I'm really actually going to miss that state...especially the good ol steak and potatos). There will be a going away party of sorts that night...which I'm sure a stop to Kilkenny's is in order, it's tradish! August 2nd will be my last day to tie up any loose ends and to spend some qt with the fam. At 5:30 that evening, is my sending forth mass. Fr. Matt Gerlach will be celebrating the mass at the St. Philip Neri Newman Center (400 S. Florence, Tulsa, OK)...no worries, it's not like a wedding mass or like I'm taking vows..just a special little mass before I go. I don't know what time I leave yet but I do know it happens on the 3rd.

Each home has a visitor that is sort of like a "supervisor missionary" that makes sure everything is running smoothly in the house. The one for Barrios Altos is Fr. Lorenzo (a priest for HH) and he will be visiting on August 6 and would like to have me there so we can meet! Which is why I'm leaving so early in August. Now all I have to do is finish raising sponsorships! I'm still working on getting all of my letters out. So far I've sent 120 and I have at least another 30 names on the list!

**If you know of anybody that might be willing to partake in this mission of compassion with me, feel free to pass on any neccessary information**

Thank you so much for all of your support throughout this preparation process. Know that you are in my prayers and I hope those I'll be serving and I are in yours.


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