“Have no fear of mov­ing in­to the un­known. Simply step out fear­less­ly, know­ing that I am with you, there­fore no harm can be­fall you; all is very very well. Do this in com­plete faith and con­fi­dence.” - Pope John Paul II

Monday, May 9, 2011


The last few weeks have been crazy! I took 7 finals, graduated college and am now sitting in Chicago. Why Chicago you ask? Well, the Peruvian Consulate has been rather difficult...first they take a long time to verify my passport so I call and they say they have no record of me. Great, more money spent driving to Chicago to do it in person. Not to mention the time too. I was supposed to start my internship today...thankfully the lady is really understanding and is ok if I start on Thursday. I went to the consulate today and they immediately handed me my student ID back, I was very perplexed. Then I asked (in my awful Spanish, I get stage fright) if the papers were ready for me.
"Come back in 2 days"
"They aren't ready?"
"Come back in 2 days"
--Call mom frustrated and upset--
"Will you send them to Tulsa?"
"I don't live there anymore..."
"Come back in 2 days"
--Call mom again, get the idea to just ask to change the address on the envelope to send them back--
Got on the elevator, rode to the 18th floor, they are now closed. So I waited until 3 which is when I am usually told to call back and talk to someone in English. No answer until 4. Then I talk to someone who tells me to call back at 9am to talk to someone in English, well I may as well stay in case I need to go in (which I probably will since body language and hand gestures will be helpful tomorrow). So here I am, in Chicago, after a long day. At least I can be productive!

Good news is more donations have come in! However, I am still in need of $3080. Please continue to pray that I reach that goal! I would like to have it all by orientation on June 20. Also, please pray that my visa gets done in time so I can leave on August 3 like I am supposed to!


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