Hi friends!
I hope you are all doing just fine. No worries, I am still kickin it down here in Peru. Life has started to get somewhat normal (a term that really has no meaning in a Heart’s Home because every day is different and you just go with the flow). I have begun the lovely adventure of doing laundry last week and today. Let me tell you, I still hate it.
The first time I did laundry I realized how exhausting it was and it made me rethink the definition of dirty. Thankfully, being a college student taught me it is ok to wear a shirt at least twice before washing it, however I am pretty sure my definition is quickly changing. There is a lot of dirt around my house, which I don’t mind at all, but that means my clothes are “dirty” after just one time. If I only wore something once, I would quickly run out of pants and would have a mountain of laundry every week. So, “dirty” is also a relative term here. Don’t get me wrong, I am still conscious of how I present myself to our friends and don’t wear the same thing day after day, I just think twice before throwing something in the dirty laundry.
So, you may be asking, how do I do my laundry now? Well friends, by hand. It has made me appreciate washing machines more in some areas, in others, I am thankful for having to wash it by hand. For example, in a washing machine, the work exerted to actually clean the clothes is minimal. However, I am able to load it full, which means I have more clothes to fold and put away. If you saw my room last year, you would understand that I hate doing this and clothes often shared my bed or a clean spot on the floor. Washing by hand, I don’t have as many clothes to put away at one time, it is kind of nice. Plus, here I don’t really have a floor or a bed big enough to put my clothes when I don’t want to put them away, so it has to be done asap.
The process: I am still figuring out the best way.
It is NOT: wash, rinse, hang for 2.5 days…I learned this the hard way and had to re wash most of my clothes after the first time I did laundry because they smelled a little sour (which I noticed after I put them on…fail)
It IS: (I think…) wash in sink, pre rinse in a bucket of water, rinse under the faucet, ring out well, soak in fabric softener for at least 10 mins, ring out REALLY WELL (I’m talking, my hands hurt after ringing them out), hang on the line (I have a strategy so that my unmentionables are concealed from Edagardo and any visitors we might have), right now, they are on the line for at least one day since there is a lot of moisture in the air, usually they hang for a 1.5 to 2 days. In the summer, apparently one day is sufficient since there isn’t a lot of humidity. During this whole process, it is essential to have music playing. I still keep my American tastes close at all times and play my ipod instead of the radio (even though Katy Perry is on it…). This means I often dance while doing laundry or Lore will come out and ask me the name of a song and then proceed to hum it because she knows it in Spanish or is familiar with the guitar part in it.
I am trying to laundry once a week so that I can have clean clothes and not run out, but also so I don’t have a lot of clothes to wash. We’ll see how well I keep this strategy up…