Yesterday, we decided to take some kiddos on a fieldtrip to the zoo. Now, I wasn't extremely enthused about this leading up to it because I have been a little under the weather lately and exhausted. However, I am extremely happy I decided to muster up the strength to go.
The whole point was to give the children something to do with their summer vacation, especially those don't always have the opportunity to leave the neighborhood or visit an attraction in Lima. We have a friend who has a friend that works in the zoo and he made some calls and was able to make it to where 7 adults and 23 children could enter without paying. HOORAAAAY!! In the end, we were only 6 adults and 6 children, but the day went so wonderful!!
I was extremely touched by Pitty. A little girl that comes from a very poor family. First of all, I was shocked her mom said she could go, secondly that she had the money for the bus, and thirdly that she showed up an hour early (not the norm in Peru). For Pitty, it was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. She was so excited all day to just simply be in a new place, see animals she has never seen, many she has probably never heard of, and to make new friends with some of the others that went.
I learned a lot from Pitty yesterday, or rather, she showed me a lot of things that still have me thinking. Her ability to be amazed by the littlest thing was beautiful. She was so excited to see new plants and flowers (neither of which are in La Ensenada...) and animals, and even more excited when we got to the giraffe. She had been waiting all day to see the giraffe and when we finally arrived she couldn't help but flash an ear to ear smile. I don't know if it was the size difference that impressed her or the distance (Pitty is rather small and the giraffe was within arms reach). It was obvious that seeing the giraffe made the whole day worth it.
PS...totally tried to post pictures but it took too long and I have to get running to the chapel!
Kari very touching...what you are doing for the kids there is awsome. Prayers for you and the kids. As i was reading i was picturing a little girl whos eyes and smile was so big its hard to explain.