I know it´s a little late but we are at least still in the Easter season. Here´s my Holy Week in a nutshell.
Palm Sunday-Went to Mass in La Ensenada...even though it was the same liturgy...I really missed starting in the Newman lobby..
Tuesday-Chrism Mass. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. I seriously can´t describe how happy I was during this Mass. I was absolutely overwhelmed at the sight of many of our priestly and seminarian friends who were present. It was the first Chrism Mass I ever went to and it most definitely won't be the last.
Wednesday- I found out my grandpa passed away. I was a little surprised by it but clung to my faith as I went to Mass downtown. Thank you all for your prayers during this time.
Thursday- Mass of the Last Supper. Same liturgy but inside the church, there was a large table with fruits and bread...literally...a supper. Afterwards there was Adoration for a few hours. It was so beautiful to share this moment with all of our friends here. Also, we had to have the Blessed Sacrament removed from our house making the absence of Christ even more real for me during this Tridium.
Friday-Statsion of the Cross in the neighborhood! We went from house to house for the first 11 stations and for the last ones, every part of the neighborhood met at the church and finished them there. It was so awesome to see crosses arrive from all parts of La Ensenada followed by all sorts of friends. Afterwards there was Veneration of the Cross and Good Friday Liturgy.
Saturday-Easter Vigil! We were in charge of the liturgy so we had to make sure we had enough people to read and organize everything. It was a beautfiul experience that taught me a lot more about the Easter Vigil than I ever knew. In Lima, there arent a lot of people that enter the Church during the Easter Vigil like in Tulsa so that means it only lasted an hour and a half and not the usual 3 hours. Afterwards, we headed home with some of our friends to eat all of the goodies we couldnt eat during Lent. This list includes: cake...but really awesome chocolate cake, beer bread, no bake cookies, candy, pisco sour, you name it!
Easter Sunday-We decided to head downtown to go to Mass in the cathedral and met up with the community of Barrios Altos (the other Hearts Home here in Lima). When we arrived, there was a procession going on. It was impressive. Processions in Lima are a huge think and this one was a procession of Mary and when she arrived at the door she "greeted" Christ Resurrected and He returned the greeting and afterwards both statues made their way in the church followed by a sea of people. Mass was celebrated by the Archbishop..who also happens to be a cardinal..NBD. The music was beautiful and I cant describe how thankful I was this day. After mass, we went out to lunch (a rare occasion) and headed home to spend the afternoon visiting our friends. That night, one of the priests from our parish returned the Blessed Sacrament to our house and we ended the day with an hour of Adoration. How awesome!?!?!!
I hope you all had a blessed Holy Week and continue having a blessed Easter season.
With all my love and prayers.
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