It has been a while since I posted. Perhaps this is because as I have jumped into my final semester of undergraduate work, I have found myself preparing for mission in my free time. "in my free time" that's a problem. I have realized that I should be preparing for my mission always. Yes, I am excited for this joyful time leading up to graduation with my friends, but am I priming myself for the next adventure in life? Is it really going to be an adventure? If I do it right, it will feel like one but not in the sense of Indiana Jones. While in Peru, I will be dedicating my whole life to God and his children around me, my brothers and sisters. I will have many exciting moments like Indy but will not have to worry about making it across a rope bridge only to have it be cut and then I'm left hanging on for my life. There will be one bad guy chasing me but staying focused on the Ultimate Goal, I known he'll never get me.
I have taken time this Lent to prepare for the more logistical side of mission work. Technology, it is such a great tool but I have found myself spending too much time with it. I would text more than talk on the phone and I lost that true relationship with people by not having any sort of sensual contact with them. I am going to keep this brief and just say that in this time leading up to Peru so far, I have received many blessings (including reaching half of my sponsorships) and I thank you all for your support. Please keep praying and journeying closer to Golgotha these next few weeks.
La Paz de Cristo