“Have no fear of mov­ing in­to the un­known. Simply step out fear­less­ly, know­ing that I am with you, there­fore no harm can be­fall you; all is very very well. Do this in com­plete faith and con­fi­dence.” - Pope John Paul II

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Small things...

...with great love.

My friend Beth had this written on one of the many whiteboards in her room at OSU. Everytime I would visit her, I saw this and thought, "Do I do small things with great love?" The fact I even had to ask that should have given me a red flag.

After reading Heaven is For Real today, I felt moved in many ways and it simply got me thinking. Then, I  was asked to help paint the inside of our garage. Something I did not see the point in and it seemed silly to me, but my dad needed my help so I did it. My arms were like jell-o from helping carry DJ's soapbox derby car this morning that they quickly became tired after a few strokes. I should mention, I was painting with a roller, I hate rollers, I'd rather paint with an old fashioned brush. I pondered getting frustrated and then I realized why I was doing it. I would have rather sat inside and finished another book I'm reading, but I didn't. I was painting because I love my family and they needed my help. With each stroke, it got hotter and my arms got more tired. I kept doing it. I started thinking again about the book and how it inspired me. Then something that I used to think about often was how much Christ suffered because he loved us. He loved me almost 2000 years before I was even conceived. The sufferings He endured are minimal to my painting woes. I love my family so doing this little task was a sign of showing it.

Then, of course, I was thinking of Peru. A thought that is often present throughout my days. What am I going to be doing in Peru? Small things, with great love. I will pass a homeless man on my way to the market and flash him a smile. My smile is not perfect and shiny, yet it is a small thing, that I have the ability to do with great love. I won't just be doing that for the poor around me though. I'm sure that at times, I will have to do something for my brothers and sisters of community that I would rather not do at that time, but I will. Why? I haven't even met my community, yet I love them already. This is something that is often lost in our society. Why go out of our way to help someone? They're capable of doing that. I don't want to, I have better things to do. We are all called to love as Christ loved. To serve as He served. Luke 22:26 says it best. I consider myself truly blessed to have realized this before getting on the plane. It is something I need to work on and now I have 2 months to do so before arriving in Lima.

I thought about not sharing this with you all right away. However, I realized that if you are a Cradle Catholic, Non-Practicing, Atheist, Jewish, Protestant, Muslim, or any other religion, it is a simple message that is absent today. To do small things with great love is to do something that is traditionally against the norm. Mother Teresa lived this out every day. Her Missionaries of Charity still do. Those on mission in America or around the world have already realized the need for this and have put it into action. I challenge you all to try to do ONE thing with GREAT love this week. Try it every day. Jesus sacrificed so much for you. Can't you do something small for someone else? You have to truly mean it though. Don't do it for yourself. Do it because you love that person. Even if you have no idea who they are, do it because you respect life and love them. If it is someone you really have a hard time loving, do it because Jesus loved you so much He died for you. Offer it up as a prayer to Him and ask for His help to love others or for any other petition you may have.

"Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness." Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I just want to go....

Don't get me wrong, I am loving being home with my family, but I often find my heart is already in Peru instead fully present to the moment. This past month seems like the longest month ever. I have patiently been waiting for it to pass knowing that in June I go back to Brooklyn to meet many new friends and go through orientation. Aside from that, I've noticed how much I am looking forward to a simple life. Where money is not an issue, neither are clothes, cars, or other material things. I will be free of those ties and so will those I am serving. The stresses associated with them will be gone and I imagine my stress will come from much more meaningful places. like the sick boy who lives down the street and can't make it mass or the elderly lady that has been cast out by her family. Needless to say, as the days slowly go by, I can't help but long to be in Peru already or at least near Heart's Home.

Please continue praying for sponsorships to come in and for all of the former, current, and future missionaries to be at peace and follow the Will of God.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

God Will Provide

The most recent update from HH brought a lot of wonderful news! My flight has officially been booked and I know when I will leave America and arrive in Peru :) Que bueno!!
Thank you to all of you that have provided sponsorship and decided to be a part of this mission with me. You are all in prayers and I am forever blessed for your presence in my life. I am only $1,580 away from the $9,100 that is needed. PRAISE GOD!!!! I would like to have the rest of this by the time I arrive at orientation on June 20, but I trust it will happen on His time, not mine.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and that you are open to whatever it is God is trying to show/tell you.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5 weeks!

I can't believe I leave for orientation in 5 weeks!! That is soooo crazy! Yesterday morning things went better at the consulate and after some misunderstanding and me getting yelled at (in English by a Peruvian...) I have the one piece of paper I need to send to Lima ASAP (please pray that my visa gets done in time).

Orientation starts June 20 and lasts until July 3. During this time I will be getting a taste of what life in Peru will be like. I'll be spending time with the home in Brooklyn and listening to speeches and a various sort of other activities I'm sure. I am hoping to have almost, if not all, of my sponsorship in by then. This leave 5 weeks to raise $3,080. I have faith I can do it, but it is still rather daunting. Please keep praying that more people are willing to embark on this mission of compassion with me by financially or spiritually sponsoring me!

Thanks for all of your support.

Monday, May 9, 2011


The last few weeks have been crazy! I took 7 finals, graduated college and am now sitting in Chicago. Why Chicago you ask? Well, the Peruvian Consulate has been rather difficult...first they take a long time to verify my passport so I call and they say they have no record of me. Great, more money spent driving to Chicago to do it in person. Not to mention the time too. I was supposed to start my internship today...thankfully the lady is really understanding and is ok if I start on Thursday. I went to the consulate today and they immediately handed me my student ID back, I was very perplexed. Then I asked (in my awful Spanish, I get stage fright) if the papers were ready for me.
"Come back in 2 days"
"They aren't ready?"
"Come back in 2 days"
--Call mom frustrated and upset--
"Will you send them to Tulsa?"
"I don't live there anymore..."
"Come back in 2 days"
--Call mom again, get the idea to just ask to change the address on the envelope to send them back--
Got on the elevator, rode to the 18th floor, they are now closed. So I waited until 3 which is when I am usually told to call back and talk to someone in English. No answer until 4. Then I talk to someone who tells me to call back at 9am to talk to someone in English, well I may as well stay in case I need to go in (which I probably will since body language and hand gestures will be helpful tomorrow). So here I am, in Chicago, after a long day. At least I can be productive!

Good news is more donations have come in! However, I am still in need of $3080. Please continue to pray that I reach that goal! I would like to have it all by orientation on June 20. Also, please pray that my visa gets done in time so I can leave on August 3 like I am supposed to!
